Against the Grain Launches Curbside Service & Delivery for Food & Beer

We’ve been through a lot in the last eight years from a cease and desist for one little wrestling beer to having smoked grapes on our menu. Who’s idea was that again? We’ve soldiered through having 100 porter potties on our patio during major events. We’ve suffered through eating only crackers and mustard our first year of business and something always being wrong with that glycol chiller thing. The list goes on and on, but we’ve persevered through the shittiest of times. We’ve tackled problems with solutions we never thought would work and yet here we are!
Never in a million years did we think one day we’d have to close our doors to the public temporarily to become, drum roll please, Against the Grain: Delivery & Curbside Service!!! But, heck it, we’re doing it, and we’re gonna do it well with a joke in our back pocket because that’s what we do. That’s who we are.
Starting today, we are proud to launch our delivery and curbside services for both our food and beer! We even got those insulated delivery bags, so it’s official! We spent the entire day yesterday working on a protocol for these new services that are safe and affected for our customers and staff.
SO while you’re enjoying your new-found time at home and find yourself needing a little snacky-poo, a whole dinner spread, or an entire case of beer, you know who to call! We even have two numbers: 502-515-0174 and 502-515-0175.