Against the Grain Bartender by Day, Makeup Artist by Night

Presley has been a bartender at Against the grain for almost two years. Patrons know her for her kind personality, knowledge of beer, and craftiness—Presley will whip up just about any cocktail you’ll ask her to!
Presley’s creativity translates outside of work. She’s a self-taught makeup artist, focusing on horror-themed looks. Around Halloween, Presley tries to create a new makeup look almost every day.
To create her spooky looks, she uses liquid latex, face point, tissue paper or other props, and makeup of course.
Recently, Presley created an Against the Grain-inspired makeup look by slicing an A Beer can in half and fixing it to her face using liquid latex. I like to interpret it as the beer can erupting from inside her head, but maybe an angry patron smashed it directly through her skull. I don’t know, what do you think?
Presley typically bartends weekday mornings, and some weekends. Make sure to stop by and ask her to make you her favorite cocktail, or pour her favorite beer. She is an absolute gem to work with, and a star behind the bar!
This weekend, we’ll be hosting a costume contest amongst staff at our Downtown location. Be sure to stop by and vote for your best-dressed server or bartender!