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Cornhole Tournament

July 12, 2023 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm


We see you out there playing cornhole. We get it. We’re constantly reminding our staff to please put the bags down and get back to work.

Some of y’all take cornhole pretty seriously. So we’re letting you put your skills to the test at our low-stakes, fun-filled cornhole tournament. We’ll have three (THREE games) set up to accommodate a winner’s bracket, a loser’s bracket, and then extra fun for those that just want to toss ’till they die.

It’s free to register. Just show up at 6:30 on July 12th for registration.


  1. We’ll be observing the official AMERICAN CORNHOLE ASSOCIATION game rules: https://www.playcornhole.org/?gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkLCkBhA9EiwAka9QRq14HAnBMCuBLqH9U2-ACt0HpFlgV3h8_Eefa6yUFcHbNGmdhUf9ARoCbhoQAvD_BwE
  2. Registration begins at 6:30, then gameplay at 7:00pm.
  3. Show up with a team of **two** and you’re guaranteed a spot. You may show up alone as well, and we’ll pair you with others that showed up solo.
  4. Tournament is first-come, first-serve, but with three games going we’ll surely be able to accommodate everyone.
  5. Must be 21+ to enter, as the prizes are….beer things.
  6. No outside food or alcohol, we have that!! And its dang good.
  7. Participants must heckle opponents.
  8. Don’t beat up the referee.